For Those Who Gave Up On The Hope of Tape Returning...
Tape Is NOT Dead!
Never fear! There is still a place where you can buy up all the Quantegy 456/457 and GP-9 that you can get your hands on, and the prices won't kill you! You'd better believe that I'm stocking up....
A Comparison...
I still say one of my 15ips masters will easily put a CD to shame in the dynamic range department. It might look better on paper with the CD, but I can tell you that the tape will sound better. I need to get some server space to "illustrate" some examples for you. Dare I say it, but the "wow and flutter" (slight pitch variations) actually adds to the warmth of a recording, provided they aren't too much of course.
A Project...
A good example for me is to compare two files of one song in particular - Roger Daltrey's "Without Your Love." Sure the CD rip sounds nice, but it's missing something. Now play the rip of the 45 single - it's just so warm, it's hard to describe. I'll see if I can post it somehow. I'm sure you'll agree.